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Sunday, May 31, 2009

blog revamp

Life is sometimes too complicated . . . . . .so, I'm taking action.

I have removed my decorating blog and opened my pastor's wives blog to general readers (yes, I know there will be non-pastor's wives reading it, but perhaps it will reach more people this way and it will give our sisters in faith a glimpse into what it's really like living in the parsonage!) If you are a pastor's wife, I especially invite you to take a look:

I am revamping my writing blog at as well.

I will keep open the TLC blog as it is a way to keep a web presence for the magazine.

When life gets to disproportionate, something has to go. Reminds me of those lava lamps from the '70's. Remember how those huge green blobs would form and just when it looked ridiculously shaped, part of it would break off and bob away? Consider that a visual for my blogging journey--the "blob" is too big--time to break off in manageable portions!

Keep checking this blog for all things VQ -- thoughts, pics, decorating, writing, etc., (but no lava lamps!)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Come to Me, Summer

Come to me, summer, with rays of white gold
the warmth of the sun caressing my skin
the long hours of twilight extending my day.

Come to me, summer, with shades blue and green
like waves of the shore 'neath sparkling white sand,
like stripes on the chair by the barbecue grill.

Come to me, summer, with hours of cool treats,
the cold velvet of ice cream churned on the porch,
the tartness of lemonade at the family picnic.

Come to me, summer, with nature's parade,
blackberries picked with delighted young hands,
the fantasia of fireflies on a sweet night in June.

Come to me, summer, with sounds my ears know,
the symphony of crickets by the front porch swing,
the boom of the fireworks on the 4th of July.

Come to me, summer, with happiness and home,
fresh garden goodness gracing the table,
sweet memories made on a family vacation.

Come to me, summer, with days dipped in light,
with barefoot afternoons and watermelon evenings.
The curtain is rising; your moment has come.

Come to me, summer, I can hear the applause.
--Valorie Quesenberry

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cleveland and the Lake

We spent a family day in Cleveland and enjoyed a
sunny few hours in the city by the lake.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

sisters and strings

Last evening was my daughters' 3rd violin recital, and it went very well. I was so proud of them. They have a very capable teacher in Mrs. Lydia Kunselman who has brought them so far in the past 2 years. And the Lord has used some other very special people to make these lessons happen. I am really thankful for the extras God gives us and delighted to see my daughters have an opportunity for such a great musical experience. I am just feeling thankful and happy right now.

Friday, May 1, 2009

it's done

Yesterday, I finally submitted my manuscript to my editor at Wesleyan Publishing House. It was an exciting moment in my writing journey. I am so indebted to many people who have helped me get to this point. Maybe I'll say more about that later.

I am very happy when I am sitting at the computer keyboard, working on one writing project or another. But, these last few weeks, I have felt the compulsion to get it down, get it right, and get it done. Thankfully, the first step is completed, but . . . there is much more work to be done as it goes through the editing and printing process.

Most of my writing is an extension of my soul, and this book is a sort of culmination of many things I have tried to write about in other articles. I feel very strongly about the subject matter. It is currently titled Keeping Beauty, but is very subject to change. I call it "an interpretation of the Creator's design;" it is written in the format of an 8 week study for women. It is currently scheduled for release in the spring of 2010. I will keep you updated on the progress.

I have been dabbling in fiction now and then, and hope to get seriously started on a novel very soon. I have an intriguing idea that I can't wait to get down in a story.

Of course, I am still continuing as editor of The Ladies' Companion as well as other bits of writing work. With my children getting out of school soon and a full summer schedule, I think I may have to keep my notebook close by to jot down those flashes of thought until I get to my computer!
All content on this site is protected under personal copyright by Valorie Bender Quesenberry. Please ask permission to reprint.