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Monday, August 19, 2013

open hands

Open Hands

Eager, anxious, untested hands,
these were mine that day in May.
Hardly believing you were finally here,
giddy with excitement, 
trembling lest harm come to you,
Determined to protect you at any cost. 
I held you in my hands and closed them tight.

Fretful, bewildered, weary hands,
these were mine when we took you home.
Desperate to calm your crying, 
Longing for a little sleep.
Unsure of myself; worried about you,
I walked the floor and held you in my hands.

Happy, peaceful, confidant hands,
these were mine as you grew and learned.
Delighting in your progress,
Cheering each little success.
Joyful in the little girl you were,
I took your tiny hand and held it in my own.

Helping, caring, nurturing hands.
these were mine as the years went by.
Encouraging you to do your best,
Reaching out to keep you steady,
Giving you a hug or two,
I watched you mature and still held you close to me.

Releasing, surrendering, relinquishing hands,
these are mine in this new season.
Seeing God call you to prepare,
Trusting the work He's begun in you,
Knowing that He holds you always near,
I open my hands and let you step into His.
- VQ

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Valorie! Praying for you as you trust her in God's hands today. And also for your husband's family as well. Hugs!


All content on this site is protected under personal copyright by Valorie Bender Quesenberry. Please ask permission to reprint.