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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Struggle with Darkness

Not long ago, I was saddened to hear of the death of Thomas Kincade. Today, I was saddened all over again to hear about the cause.

Could there be a person today with any kind of aesthetic sensibilities who has not heard of the "Painter of Light?" His incredible technique and gorgeous renderings of pastoral settings, soft city scenes and welcoming homey vignettes captured our hearts. He had a unique ability to depict shining light - the paintings seemed to glow. But it seems the landscape of his inner self was in contrast to his art.

Today I read a news story which gave the coroner's findings in regards to cause of death. Kincade had struggled with substance addiction in his life and, according to his brother, had relasped into that behavior before his death. His sudden passing was directly related to that fact.

How tragic that the creator of such radiance should come to the end of life in a struggle with such blackness. It is a sobering reminder to us all that the countenance doesn't necessarily reflect the soul - that has ramifications for us as we examine ourselves and as we interact with others. Not that we should live in obsessive introspection with regards to our own relationship with Christ nor should we indulge in excessive suspicion of the testimony of our friends. But rather it should cause us to see that we need be on guard lest we feel we've reached the peak above attack. And it should motivate us to realize that others, no matter the degree of accomplisment they hold, are still susceptible as well and very much need our prayers, comradeship and love.

The world will miss Thomas Kincade. And I doubt I will ever gaze at one of his lovely paintings without remembering that darkness will always try to overcome light. But there is a Light that has overcome the world; His power alone will prevail."Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." (1 Corinthians 10:12)

1 comment:

  1. So sad! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject- it is a sober reminder.


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