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Monday, January 13, 2014

His signature

If you want to get a reaction in the culture today, make a statement about gender distinction - in dress, roles or behavior. Then, step back and get a firm grip on your beliefs for they are going to be challenged. Even many Christians today are uncomfortable discussing the differences in men and women and how God created them to interact in the world and with each other.

I believe that the area of gender is a prime target of our Enemy. If he can confuse the issues, he can win some very important battles in our culture. Abuse and chauvinism and feminism and extremism and sinful, self-centered philosophies have contorted the general understanding of the glorious differences in maleness and femaleness. There is something of the radiance of our God in them, make no mistake. Man and woman were created to reflect His image from different points of view, both necessary, both valuable, both fascinating in their design.

To fully understand the world and ourselves in it, we must start with Him and His plan. We must know what this gender thing is all about. For if we do not have a clear vision of who we are and how we must behave, there is no foundation for all the future good we might accomplish. The self must be grounded and secure; that is the beginning of a healthy person.

Regardless of the whims of pundits and professors, the principles on which God created our world will not be changed. The very structure of human DNA is stamped either male or female; that is His signature and He is glad of it. We are His workmanship; oh, to discover the depth of glory in that fact!

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